Why is it important?

Social video helps you develop a relationship with your current audience and reach new people potentially interested in what you have to offer. It’s another way to promote your brand and to enable customers to promote for you by sharing your video on their feed.

What should you know about social video?

People typically watch social videos on their phones via platforms like Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, and Snapchat. The videos that get attention and notoriety are usually funny or emotional and tend to perform well on social media. Since video watched online is consumed in small doses, shorter videos (30 seconds to 1 minute) tend to bring the best results.

How do I start?

You don’t need any fancy cameras or microphones to get going. A smartphone is all you need for social video to work. The less produced and more natural the video feels, the more it feels authentic and connects to your audience. Make a plan for what kind of video you’ll make: a store update, something humorous, a livestream, a new product feature–anything with a clear, relevant message for your audience.

Make sure the video content is appropriate for the channel and your audience. A TikTok video is typically fun, performance-based, and set to music. It often targets a younger audience. A Facebook video is for a broader audience, supports longer videos, and can be highly produced.

Shoot your video with best practices. Next, edit your video before you post on social media. Monitor the reaction to your video and respond to comments.

Video storytelling

Brand loyalty is built through connections, so develop one with your audience by creating an emotional connection in your videos. Use storytelling to educate others about your company values or share how you impacted customers and even your employees.

The best stories take viewers on a journey, presenting a conflict or problem that resolves by the end. Some stories are great for breaking into several videos. A series encourages the audience to keep checking back and boosts engagement.

Getting video engagement

Did you know social video posts get 48% more views than other posts? You can leverage people’s high interest in video by providing content with real value to the viewer. Focus less on selling and more on sharing helpful information or connecting with your audience’s needs.

Don’t focus on trying to produce viral videos. Going viral is hard and there’s no telling what will or won’t go viral. Instead, post useful, relevant videos that connect with your customers.

People are more likely to remember beginnings and endings, so start and end with a bang.

Many videos on social are watched without sound. Add subtitles to increase views.

When creating any video, keep in mind that you want people to take action after watching it. This could be commenting, sharing, or liking the video, so include a clear call to action in the video.

Going live

Live video is a great way to interact with your customers in real-time. A live stream supports your efforts to increase brand loyalty and build a brand community around your business and services. You can go live on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram.

Promote the livestream ahead of time so that people know when to watch. Increase the potential audience by inviting other people to join you, such as hosting a Q&A with a brand sold in your store.

Be prepared for the live session. Have a list of questions at the ready. During the livestream, ask for and respond to audience feedback.

Keep making videos! The more you produce, the better your odds of success.

Make a splash with your grand opening

Stay in control of your story while getting free promotion from independent third-party media.

Next: Sample Pitch with a Seasonal Edge